Thursday, 30 March 2017

Dalgety Bay, 29/03/2017

Common Quaker (16)
Hebrew Character (8)
Early Grey (1)
Twin-spot Quaker (1)

Tuesday, 28 March 2017

Dalgety Bay, 26/03/2017, Shoulder Stripe

Popping out to the garage in the evening this was spotted fluttering around a small plant near the door

Friday, 24 March 2017

Dalgety Bay, 24/03/2017

Overnight MV Heath - Cold and clear night

Common Quaker (10)
Hebrew Charcter (4)
Clouded Drab (1)

A bleary-eyed half awake shot of the Clouded Drab

Tuesday, 21 March 2017

Sunday, 12 March 2017

Dalgety Bay, 9/3/2017, Dark Chestnut

Overnight MV, garden

70.255 Dotted Border (1)
70.345 March Moth (2)
73.249 Common Quaker (1)
73.194 Chestnut (2)
73.195 Dark Chestnut (1)
73.249 Hebrew Character (2)

Chestnut and Dark Chestnut

The Dark Chestnut must be considered putative at the moment though it looks good to these untrained eyes. So ... this is a lesson on the variability of Chestnuts! It looks very much like these will be both Chestnuts as the shape of the rear end in particular is not consistent with Dark Chestnut. I also read somewhere that they aren't generally seen after Christmas, which is a point worth noting (if true!)

March Moth

Hebrew Character

Dotted Border

Common Quaker

Tuesday, 7 March 2017

Dalgety Bay, 06/03/2017 - Early Grey, Satellite

Overnight MV, though the Early Grey came to the window first

Early Grey(1)- new for NT18
Satellie (2) - both orange spots