Monday, 25 April 2016

Twenty-plume and White-spot, 24-04-2016

A surprise Twenty-plume Moth emerged from under a wheelie bin in my garden yesterday - a nice surprise. I guess somebody has some honeysuckle in their garden nearby

Earlier in the day this Eriocrania unimaculella was knocked out of a conifer at Mossmorran. Interestingly this is exactly the prescribed method of finding the species and the exact right timing as described in the Micros book.

Wednesday, 20 April 2016

Cullaloe LNR, 19/04/2016 - Water Carpet and a false start

After watching the temperature dial drop as the moon shone in a clear sky disaster struck as it turned out the generator had stopped (lack of petrol) and the light gone out. Not much of a haul

Water Carpet - 1 (!) Chocolate Form
Micro - unnamed - 1

Chocolate Form